Friday, March 22, 2013

died for his dedication

Sleman, Yogyakarta - "I am still in Mbah Maridjan's house. There are many guests here. Mbah Maridjan said he would have Ashar praying first", Wawan said to his friend from Yogyakarta's today newspaper, on the phone, few hours before the eruption occurred. 

Yuniawan Nugroho, often called Wawan, appeared in the victim list of mount Merapi eruption, on October, 26th 2010. Work as a journalist, he was dedicated to do his job for documenting the updated information about mount Merapi. 

For making it good, he directly went to theKinahrejo, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, in which Mbah Maridjan lives. Unfortunatelly, he got trapped there, when the eruption of mount Merapi was occurring. 

This 32 years old man might not be died if he didn't come back to Mbah Maridjan's house, soon after the warning sirine heard, for picking him up to go down to the more safe are. "He is a caring and loveable person. Helping other people is not the unusual thing to do , for he also contributed in the program of charity and welfare for improvised  person", Yudi, his work partner, also work as a journalist explained to us. 

Yet, what I want to say is that even though someone possessing intention, to help others, but still God who does creates decision. Wawan was killed, there, when the Pyroclastic flow was approaching the land - the current location where he was in Mbah Maridjan's house. That huge clouds of ash stoppedr, his life and his career as a journalist. 

Being found died, Wawan along with Mbah Maridjan and the rest 8 ones were evacuated soon after the location was nearly safe because of the great eruption of Mount Merapi. Yes, the eruption  which didn't need much time not only to cover the whole nearest village in Kaliurang including Canfkringan, which is considered as the worst area being destroyed, but also the people surrounded grief and mourning of this tearful thing. 

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